Quote Originally Posted by Viking Power
Wow, I am blown away by the rampant use of "thick picks"!

My instructor has told me previously, "the thicker the better" and I have tended to disagree (mostly out of ignorance). My experimentation with pick thicknesses since picking up the guitar in January of this year are leading me to wander which pick is best for my current scenario. My lone axe at this point is a steel string acoustic and it SEEMS that the thicker picks produce a duller sound. Is this correct? Having said that the thinner picks I've tried .73 and under seem "floppy" though very quick on the attack.

Thanks for the interesting thread though guys!: Always great to come here and read of new ideas, theories & experiences.
I prefer medium thickness to heavy thickness for acoustic playing and you can alter the brighter tones from the guitar by playing on the fat flatter end of the pick instead of the pointy end. Fat flatter end perpendicular to the strings when strummed make the guitar's brightness come through with shimmer.