Ohhh friends,
I have just received great news! Last week I have played a Spanish guitar solo on a remix of a female house artist. She is already pretty well known in the house scene and plays around the world and the record company asked some friends of mine to create a chart compatible single for her. The label was blown away by the remix and by the S O L O! They loved it! The artist has already shot the video that will be published on all big music tv channels in Europe and maybe in the US too, and the single will hit the European market officially on 24.06.09! I AM PROUD LIKE HELL! With a tiny bit of luck, my name will be on the booklet/CD. The singer does completely other music than my taste but the single will be much mellower with real instruments - music that you and I would listen to when having a glass of wine and watching the sun go down ;-) Believe me the single is awesome and it will hit the charts for sure! I will post links to her site and to the video as soon as the single is published. The record label asked for discretion (no names, blablabla), so please understand that for now I can only share my excitement with you. I already have the song here on my computer in the non mastered version...comes time comes video - promissed, but please bear in mind that she has a touring band and I will not appear in the video, obviously there will be a guitarist faking some moves to my notes, hahahahahaha!

For the solo I have played a Washburn Nylon electro acoustic (great guitar), I have played 14 takes in a row and the producers have picked out one of the middle takes. The solo has some sweep spanish arp stuff and some little faster lick. When recording in the studio I first didn't know that they were already recording so I played all the "2 many notes" stuff to get warm, later on I changed to more melody versions and in the last third I offered some bluesier takes so that the producers had a big bowl to chose from.
