So last night Crash Pad played for the first time in over a year. It was a benefit for a local homeless charity/outreach called the HOMEvan. In late 2008 I went into the studio with a borrowed drummer from my side band and knocked out a track in one evening for a comp CD of loacal bands they're selling. Now they're doing a bunch of concerts featuring the bands on the album, so I reconstituted the old band with the new drummer.

Saw lots of people I hadn't seen in awhile; the set went pretty well although I broke a string on the penultimate song, and the broken one fouled the rest so I had to physically yank it aside to get the guitar playable, and then tweak the tuning on the remaining strings to finish out the song. At least that song had no solos. My high-schooler daughter came with and helped roadie and took these pics. I think she did pretty well for someone who'd never shot a live band before. These are raw pics with no cropping or brightening or anything, I just uploaded them to Facebook to get them resized.

As usual, your comments on my poseritude are expected and encouraged. I'll post a few now, lots more later.

Our backline:

Whole band: