HEllo =]

I need help writing counterpart riffs (not harmonies like 3rds 4ths and 7ths i need like riffs that compliment a main riff or a rhythm)
I'm not looking to write leads (yet lol) just how do i write counterparts to compliment my rhythms and main riffs?

for instance...... http://video.google.com/videosearch?...en&emb=0&aq=o#

listen to the chorus and many parts of the riff have counterparts.

This band is amazing for this sort of things (please note the rhythm/riff split and riff/riff counterparts) Thesse guys are amazing in general especially to me because i'm such a perfectionist in music ( kinda defeats the purpose of music huh lol : please forgive my lack of musical spontaneity i'm not one for just playing wherever my fingers go, more like planning it out). They have extremely complex riff splits and soloes and there instrumentals in general are amazing to the point of near perfections and the vocals are just amazing his voise is so different and unique and there harmonies are so perfect and somehow archaic.

PS I apologize i think i posted this in the wrong section lol