Went to the jam last night and played my JV strat through my Pro Jr. I had a new pedal combination: Dano Fish and Chips EQ through an Arion Tubulator.

I set the EQ in a little smiley face, boosted the volume about 10db, set the amp on 4, and let her rip. Wow. It cut through like crazy, and when I wanted a solo, I stepped on the Arion, which I had set with the level very low, and the gain about half way. Awesome smooth, thick tones.

I also handed my guitar to another player and sat back and listened, which was a first for me. It sounded great! This was with only the EQ.

Had more compliments than ever on my playing and tone. And all with my low-end gear -- got the Tubulator for 11.99 and the F&C for about 25. The Pro Jr is Fender's low end of the Hot Rod series, and the JV strat is MIM. Of course, I have made some changes to most of these:

Tubulator has Indyguitarist Brent Mason mod
Pro Jr has Ragin Cajun speaker and JJ tubes
JV strat has Custom Shop 54 pickups.
F&C is stock

I really do think that boost had a lot to do with the good tone, though.