I have a strat and LP studio plus. the LP is my main guitar. hell, I barely play the strat. I've wanted a hollowbody so settled for a epi dot for $400. the dot needs some work and sounds nice but I really want to replace the pups (and wiring, etc).

long story short, looking at putting in $200-$250 on the dot to get it up to speed. a total investment of $600 or so.

then GC/MF goes ahead and puts SG standards on sale for $1200. they've agreed to take my epi back even though it's outside the 30 day return window and put it towards the SG. I got real excited. hell, I'm halfway there with the return!

then my drummer says "why do you want two guitars that will sound the same? Can't you get the SG sound from your LP?" now I'm doubting myself. upgrade the epi and keep the hollowbody sound or get the SG and basically have a lighter version of my LP?