Quote Originally Posted by marnold
Tung, did you do the Keeley or any other mods to your DS-1s? birv2, any overwhelming reason why you're ditching it?

And yes, these questions indicate interest
I have not done any mods, yet. I did buy a DS-1 a while back for that express purpose. Vood did the Monte Allums mod, which is the one I think I would do. It involves replacing the chip with an adaptor so that you can swap out different opamps. The chip in the DS-1 is an odd inline jobbie rather than the 8-pin DIP style.

There is also one on the Premier Guitar site for the DS-1.

For the love of God, buy Bob's DS-1 before I do, Marnold. It's been nagging at me since I saw it this morning I don't need another one, but it is tempting... :
