Ashes & Bones; originally I did this solo in 2005, now re-recorded and mixed with a drummer just now. So it's me on guitars, bass and vocals; keys by a guy called BNC and the drummer is called LZM.

It's still a bit beta mixingwise, but near. Any comments welcome, please! I fear it may be too bass-rich for one. But I don't think I'll re-record anything much unless something really sticks out. Coulda had a more ripping solo but, well, I guess it's fine. I like the way it's almost outta hand w/vibrato/bends, not too neat which I hate in guitars. I just added the last vocal bit 5 minutes before posting this.

Recorded mostly at home on my computer; drummer did his parts at his home naturally. Used my Ceriatone for some guitars, Tech-21 TM-10 for others.

All the guitar etc. time-based & modulation FX are after-the-fact, I hate committing myself to certain FX I can't change later so I never use any when I play live or record.