Those names aren't even close to the most ridiculous ones. The Tony Danza one is hi-larious. The worst names, in my mind, tended to be some of the hippy bands who came up with their name after ingesting some non-prescription pharmaceuticals. Such as the infamous "Strawberry Alarm Clock," best (only?) known for their hit "Incense and Peppermints."

I would have thought that "Toad the Wet Sprocket" would have made the list. It's a ridiculous name. Nevertheless I love it because it is an obscure Monty Python reference. Never really listened to their music, though.

When I was in a bluegrass band in college we came up with a number of names. The band leader's last name was Pries so we thought of "Judas Pries." We ended up settling on "Ban Jovi," a name that no one ever spelled right.