St. Joseph, Mo. trailswest! festival, the outdoor stage a 8:30 p.m.

Joe was awesome, the entire band was. Polished, professional, tight, right on cue the entire night. Kickin' a$$ and cranking out some of the most excellent blues/rock imaginable, with tone to die for. And done at a perfect volume level, it thumped the chest, was in-your-face, and at the same time allowed us to leave afterward w/o ears ringing on the ride home. Kudos to the sound folks on this one.
The band opened with "John Henry", Joe playing a doubleneck Musicman, and making very good use of slide coupled with a theremin to get some fantastic sounds.

Les Pauls, a Firebird, a Flying V, another Musicman (singleneck)........
Marshall Silver Jubilee, Carol Ann, Van Weelden, Bogner......
Dee thoroughly enjoyed it also, waaaayy more than her expectations. She'd said earlier if the night air got too chilly she'd head back to the truck for a jacket.
Once the band started she said no way was she leaving, she wouldn't miss a minute of this show.
I'd also invited my younger sister, who likes different types of music, but mainly country. She was mesmerized........ told me this was the most unbelievable thing she'd seen in years.......maybe ever.
My friend Charlie from my work also made the trip up (from the K.C. area). He was duly impressed as well, never moving from his chair, his hands and fingers moving as Joe played lead on each song. Charlie gave as big a compliment as I've ever heard......(you have to know Charlie, very understated man)......... "He's no slouch, that's for sure!" I had to laugh at that one.

Joe moved from one song to the next, pausing only to change guitars, or to say "Hello, St. Joseph", "Thanks for invititing us", "Great to be here", etc.
He also did a solo acoustic number which progressed from one style to the next, playing blues, rock, classical, country, etc. Very nice.
I hope everyone who attended knows and appreciates what they got last night........... a top notch group of professionals playing great music.
The buttons for a 3 day pass to all shows cost $6.