When I was planning the pickup wiring mods for my Epi Dot, I had initially planned to use two push/pull pots to wire the neck p'up (a Duncan Jazz 4-conductor humbucker) for series/parallel/coil-cut capability, in addition to the bridge p'up. I ended up holding off on that until I could hear what the bridge p'up wiring mods sounded like. Glad I did, because now I don't think I would bother setting up the neck for both coil-cut and parallel, since they really don't sound much different on the Duncan JB I have at the bridge. So I'm thinking I'll just wire up the neck for series/parallel switching with a DPDT push/pull pot, which has the advantage of keeping the p'up hum-cancelling in both modes. However, since I wouldn't need the additional push/pull pot to add coil-cut switching, that got me thinking about a different use for it....

While doing my research for the Dot p'up wiring mod, I came across a couple of schematics for "Jimmy Page" humbucker wiring. One option he apparently included in his LP wiring mods was the ability to run all four coils of the two humbuckers together in series, essentially making one big 4-coil "megabucker". As you would imagine, this gives a really big, fat, full sound, though it can tend to be muddy. Still, the concept is a very tempting one to try out, and I'm giving it some serious consideration. I worked up a modified wiring diagram from my previous Dot project, and the switch and wiring configuration to do this is shown below. The new additions are the two DPDT switches shown on the neck pots at the top of the diagram, although it does require running a couple of wires between the switches on the bridge volume pot and the neck tone pot to make the "megabucker" series switching work.

Just curious--have any of you Fretters ever run the "megabucker" series wiring in your dual humbucker guitars? If so, how did you like it?

Attachment 546