Excerpt from website ...

ZOG Guitar Strings Website

Your strings are all wrong!
Would you agree with me that every string on your guitar should have equal tension? In other words, each string should have exactly the same tension when tuned to pitch. Would you agree with me on that?
I researched this string gauge problem for several years. I was very blatant and I noticed it right away after building my first guitar. After installing a regular set I purchased at a music store, I was horrified to find the lower strings, especially the lowest string, to have the least amount of tension and the thinnest string having the most tension. Horrible! Having a top that has more tension and a bottom with not enough tension is totally the opposite of how it should be according to the rules of physics and also for proper tone and feel.
Rock stars knew that something was wrong with standard sets but they did not systematically understand why and they did not look at each string and evaluate its tension in relation to the other strings. They simply slapped on some thicker strings on the bass side. They also did not take into consideration the linear increase whenever possible in the string tension from high to low. They just added some heavier gauges to the bottom and called it a "Signature Set" with their name on it.
The standard commercially available sets, which you are currently playing, don't even follow any logic. As you will see, the tension of the strings don't even correspond to any system.
There is much more on his site. It's pretty verbose though, so you've been warned.

Anyway, has anyone tried these strings? And if so, what was your experience?
