hello fret friends, im new to the forum,my name is Allen, im 38 living in NY.
ive been toying with guitars for roughly 4 years and finally want to take it serious. i have a ton of questions, i hope some are willing to help me with, as im more then willing to help anyone with the knowledge i have at anytime. my main interest in guitar is hard rock/ softer metal. (one mans metal is another man's rock is another man hard core), i like alot of 80's rock as well as current rock in ex. disturbed killswitch engage 5fdp, etc..however i enjoy alot of other music as well ,more so oldies (50's).my first and foremost queastion is, while ive toy'd with guitars for 4 yrs, and took lessons for 3 months,im just not sure where to begin,i can read tabs and can play most anything off a tab with alot of practice, however i dont know any chords or scales, as im decent at palm muting, and tapping, i feel like im lost as to playing the guitar. Almost like i tried to start at point B ,skipping point A. i appreciate any input, ty, Al