Hi all,

I've been lurking these forums for a few weeks... checking out the lessons and backing tracks, mostly.

A little about me, I guess... over the last 20 years I've run the gambit.. starting out in blues, expanding into blues-influenced rock, onto 80's and 90's "hard rock" and metal, and find myself back at square one.. and re-learning blues has been very interesting with all sorts of other influences tossed into the mix.

I don't have much of a blues rig any more... a Les Paul Classic Antique and Marshall JCM2000 half stack... with everything on 11, I've got enough gain to kill pigeons... but I've found that dialing back is resulting in some wonderful blues tones... the clean channel with maxed gain gives me just a hint of dirt, the crunch channel scaled back gives me a great Tube screamer-esqu tone, then I bump the lead channel up another notch for some creamy lead and sustain.

At any rate... I'm here... my obligatory introduction is here... and I'm back to reading the forums.

Great site!
