Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
Ya I do like the V22 and gig all the time with it. Once I got some tubes in it I felt more confident of it. Initially out of the box it was awesome but the first tubes changed too much too quickly. I put some Sovtek power tubes in it and I'm pretty happy. No rattle and still good response from the tone knobs. I love the digital reverb. Seriously.
I think some of the reliability issues were mostly in the earliest days of production, and from what I've heard, are much less frequent these days.

After a few hours on a V22 at the local GC, this will certainly be my next purchase. Upgrading the tubes will happen, and perhaps later a Hellatone speaker upgrade.

While I GAS for a few amphs at or above the $1000 mark, I'll be able to buy a CV Strat and some other goodies with the left over money.