So I'm perusing the local buy, sell and swap guide today and found a fellow selling his Fender Hotrod Deluxe for REALLY cheap. Figuring it was AFU, I decided to check it out anyways. The thing is *cherry*. As in "has never left his bedroom". Sold.

I also checked out a not-so-local music store today (it's about 90 minutes north of here), hoping to score the elusive used monitors, which they didn't have. I scanned the wall of guitars and bemoaned a lack of semi-hollows. "Oh," said the lady. "Just got one in... wanna try it?"

And I did. And for the price, I couldn't not take it.

Meet "Fat Girl", my new hollow body Oscar Schmidt.

(Oh, and I wound up with a couple of sweet brand new Peavey monitors for what I was looking to pay for a set of used ones. When I finally got cell signal, I called the woman to let her know what I'd done... she screeched with JOY and said she couldn't wait to hear everything... and now she's even happier!) :-)