short version:
I have a crate vintage club 50 that I never get past 2 cuz it's so damn loud. it got OK breakup at 2 but I never get close to pushing the limits.

I picked up a digitech rp1000 multi/modeler pedal and now play the crate only on the clean channel and use the rp1000 for all distortion and effects.

now I'm thinking of getting a lunchbox amp (nighttrain?) but am worried that I'll just be wasting it if I continue to rely on the pedal so much. I figure at only 7.5 or 15 watts, I'll be able to get more out of an amp and then use the rp1000 for strictly effects. but then am I wasting the pedal?

trying to talk myself out of spending the $7, $8, $900 but I'm not listening to myself.
