A friend of ours runs a music school and hosts a benefit for Oceans of Love every year. The band volunteers to come out, play a couple of sets, and bring some of his students up on stage. We bring extra amps and mics for it.

We had a blast, and the kids had an even better time. There was a couple of kids that came up that had some serious chops! One kid came up with a beat up SG and just ripped. He came up again later and I handed him my Les Paul and told him to have at it while I took a short break. He wailed!

Oceans of Love made a ton of money, and a good time was had by all. The school raffled off a new Ibanez guitar - I'm sure the young lad that won it is sleeping with it tonight. He was grinning ear to ear when he left.

I'll D/L my camera tomorrow morning and post some pics.