Remember I already have the CV50s Strat, and the CV Tele Custom. I like the way the custom plays, but I really am a maple board guy. I will see what kind of a deal I can get. I received my RS guitar vintage kit. I am really amazed at how easy it is to get items sent to you in the US.
I am in Maine and I had the kit sent to my daughters place. It would have taken 2 weeks and customs duties to have it sent to Canada. when I get back I will be putting the kit plus the hand wound Burstbuckers I bought from a local buy/sell web site at home called Kijiji, in my Gibson Classic GT. So that is around 300 total including the install.
I think you guys are right, I really am not feeling any Gas for the Strat. It is just such a good price. I will drop buy and see what kind of a deal I can get today.