All good pointers...I might add a few: with far mikes, be sure to check the phase. Especially layering and panning tones using separated mics is a minefield for phase errors, so check that phase button when mixing.

Also, when using a cab with several speakers, they might not all sound the same. And the positioning can be hard. Have someone play the amp as you would and listen to it holding a toilet paper roll over your ear, move it around listening thru the tube to pinpoint the sweet spot/speaker. Don't linger with it, you could fry your hearing.

Be creative. Sometimes - I find quite often - you get better results placing the 2nd mic not farther front but higher above the amp, or in some cases even on the backside. But remember the phase!

If you're on a DAW don't skimp on tracks...put five mics out there, even accross the room, and record them all. Never hurts to have plenty of tracks to choose from and mix together.

Now, I should just also practice what I preach, but it's always about time and other limitations...:-)