Years ago some engineer/tech expert did an extensive report on how Vox "should" have designed the valvetronix amp circuits; and he suggested how it should be redesigned. Supposedly the new models had taken some of his ideas into consideration.

His report was on the "patchtronix" forum where there was a lot of info on the vox amps and suggested patches, etc. At least that is where I found out about his report. It is probably still on the web somewhere.

Evidently there are a lot of areas where the chromies, in particular, can be improved. Supposedly they had the potential of being really awesome amps but the design element did not do their job very well, skipped over things, did things backwards, etc.

As I said, the new chromies are supposed to be improved, but by how much I don't know.

I like my little DA5 for camping trips, etc. I can see where modellers have a big potential.

The Fender Super Champ XD seems to do a good job, but is not nearly as complicated and computerized as the Vox version.

I also thought the Vypyr sounded a bit weak and thin compared to the real amps and effects that they are supposed to model. WAY too bells and whistles with the Christmas Tree vibe with all sorts of lights, etc. Dam that thing must be bright in the dark.