Hey guys (and gals),

It's been a while since I've visited the fret, I just finished my last semester of college (what a weird feeling) so I haven't had much time to tinker and spend online.

Voodoo, I think I need some helpful advice on my recent build. I finally ordered myself an OD2 kit from BYOC. I'm pretty excited to see what it can do. It's all put together and sounds pretty good but the LED's aren't turning on in any predictable manner. They react to the switches, but only sometimes. For example, sometimes I'll push a switch and the LED will come on (sometimes it won't) but the next time I push it, the LED might not turn back off (sometimes it does). I'm not really sure what to do here b/c it's not a predictable situation. My first thought was to check the solder job on the LED's, but it doesn't seem like this would be the problem if they are sometimes reacting to the switches unless the physical movement of the switch (pedal casing) is causing the LED to make a better contact.

Any ideas would be amazing.

I have to say, the build quality on this pcb is phenominal. I build the TS clone from GGG and it was nothing compared to this. Even the layout is much more clean and well thought out. I don't think I'll be buying from GGG again for this very reason.

By the way. It's good to be back again and catch up with everyone. Hope everyone is doing well.