You've got it man, that's all very insightful!

About the confidence...suggestion is a powerful tool. Much more powerful than people usually give it credit for. Stuff like confidence can be built by self-suggestion. Simply make yourself think you're confident and you can do it, and it becomes a reality. Just like quitting smoking or something - it's all down to how well you manage to tell your brain it's easy to do actually. Just tell yourself you can and you will.

Smoking actually is a prime example of negative self-suggestion...every cigarette company and quitting-aid company wants you to believe it's nigh impossible to quit, and they've managed to get it be 'common knowledge' with their idiotic claims like 'nicotine is more addictive than heroin' etc...

It's all just shaite, it's very easy to quit smoking if you really want to, but the hard part is to deconstruct the years and years of suggestion built by people telling you it's hard to stop, it's addictive, etc...that's the hard part. And it's so easy to give in to those voices when you crave another...

People will believe anything when it's suggested especially over a long time, and it becomes a reality for them despite it might be completely imagination. The whole reason ideas like those forbidden to be talked about on the forum still exist despite they can be easily proven to be nothing but tales, and still people take them for real.