Well, I finally got around to doing the treble bleed mod today. The biggest problem was trying to get the leads for the cap and the leads to the tone pot and switch all crammed into one lug while still having a mechanical connection and not just solder. It is even more fun to try that sans fingertips. Anyway. I got it wired up and it worked the first time out, just like I had hoped it would. It stays very bright no matter how far down you turn the pot. With the volume down about half-way it sounds very similar to wiring the coils in parallel instead of series. It's probably too bright, actually, but that's what the tone knob is there for! I'll probably be twiddling with the controls like Joe Bonamassa in no time. My Jet City amph is so dynamic and now I can take advantage of that!

Then, when I put the pot back in place, there was very little volume. Then it cut out entirely. Argh! There is only a little spot for the pot itself, deeper than the rest of the control cavity (You can't really see that in the picture below with the volume pot but you can with the tone. The little recess is even smaller for the volume.) The cavity is shielded. Apparently I left a lead too long and it was shorting on the shielding. A couple snips and some slight careful bending of the lugs later and we're in business.

Here's a picture. Before it was just a rat's nest of wires. Now it's a rat's nest of wires with a big ol' orange thing in there!

For what it's worth, the cap is a .001 uf Orange Drop, one of the 600V monsters. I used the wiring diagram here but without the resistor. I didn't want to mess with the taper of the pot at all. I've heard that the resistor is of greater benefit with single-coil guitars lest things get too shrill.

As an aside, that's the first picture I've posted on here taken with our new Canon PowerShot SX20IS.