Quote Originally Posted by progrmr
I landed an NJ Warlock a couple weeks ago for $200 - after a little TLC, it's a great player, very nice neck and solid feel. But it does have the BDSM humbuckers and I'll want to replace those at some point. I figure I'll go w/ DiMarzio's for that one for a more "shredding" type of tone.
An NJ for $200!?! I got my NJ back in '01 for $501.16, so you got a pretty good deal. Yeah, Bessie, I love her! She's retired for the most part now, but there were ever only really 2 things wrong with her:

1 - The appalling Far East hardware

2 - The appalling electronics.

I put a Dimebucker in the bridge, and ripped out all of those horrible mini-pots and replaced them with CTS. Much better. Also had a luthier look at her back in '04 and he hammered some fretwire into the points, which saves them from further damage, and looks hella sweet. Metal is seeping from the core of my guitar!