I have been noticing that my Vintage Mod Tele has just really the mini HUm in the neck and the twangy pickup in the bridge that has nice tone, if you combine the med strat pickup with either it just doesn't have a clear tone with any definition to it, very muddy sound.
So I decide to check this thing out, it has a 500k pot in the volume and a 250K pot in the tone with a 473 cap. The five way switch has one wire from each of the pickups going to the first 3 pegs on it and that is all. The 1 and 5 position sound alright but the bridge is too twangy. What would you suggest as a mod to help this ax sound like a real tone machine?
I have another 250K pot that I could change out and some 223 caps, and I might try some other pickups as these stock ones just aren't getting ere.
I can get another pick guard and go back to just a neck and bridge pickup but it would be nice to have all 3 and get the combinations of the 3.
PLease give your suggestions if you have found success.