Sometimes, Grunge can serve as a coping tool, if used sparingly. Example: Back when I was a public defender, particularly in juvenile or child protection matters, I would find myself involved in disputes involving multiple levels of unreasonable inept or more likely simply over worked . . . (remainder deleted to avoid politics. Suffice it to say I was frustrated). I would find myself hauling my butt down to court for a hearing that was (text deleted, replaced again with frustrating.)

On the way down to court, I would like to put on this song and scream along for 5 minutes . . .

After doing so, I had it out of my system, and could speak in a productive way to the lawyers, judges and people involved, without losing it.

Then later, I would like to listen to something more positive. But on the way to court, it provided a much needed release.

"Coping with Cobain"? A new self help book?