Almost 10 minutes. Playing my latest 'dee-constructed' LOL, thanks to who was it again who coined the name...Squier.

Trying to present my setup: no FX, just seven degrees of drive with basically same sound but using 3 pedals via a Carl Martin switchboard to achieve a smooth progression from rather clean to really wailing. BUT always no proper distortion/fuzz, always possible to play full chords with clarity - that's my goal. And, also never use any other pickup than the bridge, and only volume control. Since I got the CarlMartin board been VERY happy with the rig. Quiet as a mouse when not playing (except the Vox treble booster is a bit noisy) but the EMG85 really screams. IMO there is no other pickup so warm and full yet screams so well.

I still have an eight slot unused, and that I'll use for when I finally manage to get me a delay far I have no reverb or anything like that. I always found they just screw up the sound and playing, although often I feel fast stuff would sound much better with some delay.

Especially towards the very end I just play simple riffs while always changing the sound dirtier, so the change is clearly displayed.

Despite the mic visible in the foreground, the sound is via my Panasonic camcorder mic only.