Happy? Yes, for the most part. I see myself in a build period when it comes to gear, but not the usual GAS we get. I'm still working on getting just the basics in place. My good Strat, P-90 semi-hollow, acoustic, amp, and the few pedals I have are all keepers.

The $50 Tele find is my least favorite guitar, mostly because the neck is too narrow and the electronics are noisy. It is fine for now, but I'd like to replace it with a nicer double humbucker guitar, which will happen some later time.

I'm beyond happy with the Egnater amp. I like to play a wide variety of styles and music, so I could really use a good multi effects unit. I need more colors in my pallet, but due to the many sub-$500 choices out there, this is the hardest gear decision to date.

So, down the road I really need a good double humbucker guitar, would like a decent Tele (CV 50's would do), and need a good multi effects.

For now, I'm happy!