Just stumbled across your site and discovered your anniversary is the same day as my birthday! And what a great site I must say. I was a moderator on another guitar forum and what a nightmare! It was myself and one other person who never did anything. I spent 99% of my time cleaning up spam. I finally gave it up and when I did the forum folded. It was not a pleasant experience. Anyways, I'm a 58 year old Ohioan that's been plunking around with guitar for the last 40 some odd years. Taught myself on a Yamaha acoustic after falling in love with Neil Young. Still own an acoustic but mostly play electric nowadays. my main focus is on blues, country and southern rock. My equipment is not fancy..a MIM Fender strat/Washburn semi-hollowbody/"Indiana" tele and my first electric I ever owned..an early 80's "Seville" jap strat with one humbucker pickup and a two way switch..along with my "Pearl" a/e which is korean made. My amps are Crate, Peavey and Behringer. I own reverb, chorus, eq and compression effects pedals and a hum debugger for when I play with the single coils. Looking forward to getting and giving some great advice here! I have a little spare time on my hands as I am only working 30 hours a week.