Well if you think how little of a CD's cost goes to the musician...

Anyway, as you say, the only way to fight piracy is to make legal use even easier and cheap enough not to matter.

Right now, I can for instance decide to watch, say Shutter Island.

Option 1: just download it off the web in full HD to my media player hooked to my telly BUT I can't be sure of the quality, sound and such. The download could take 35 minutes OR it could take a full day depending on traffic and seeders. Plus side, it'll have Finnish subtitles if I grab those too.

Option 2: watch it off the Xbox in live streaming OR download to HD and watch. FullHD as well, can start watching immediately, and assured quality - costs a few bucks. BUT no Finnish text available.

Option 3: watch it live streaming from a video rental service over my Digital Receiver, which is even cheaper, but no full HD available. Still, Finnish text available.

These days, I use the Xbox most. I don't need the texts. Still, they're good to have especially if you watch with low volume at night. Even English text for the hearing impaired would be nice. Once they get the texting issue dealt with, I don't think I'll resort to either two other options no more.

But one thing is for sure: I will never even remotely consider buying the movie as Blu-Ray or DVD or whatever, and basically just contribute to all the waste out there already - not to mention tenfold the price.