Perfect Stranger posted something about a good experience with GC the other day, and it got me to thinking; we often hear the bad experiences, but seldom the good ones. I've actually had some good ones, and I wanted to share mine and encourage others to share theirs. If it needs to be said, I have no affiliation with any retail outfits. I just think it's nice to hear positive things about companies you've dealt with.

My most recent experience was with Phil of White Bridge music. I bought a Tele clone from White Bridge a couple weeks ago, and got several emails from Phil about the guitar, and we managed to fit a lot of gear talk into our emails as well. Read my post about the Tele for more details about that part. It doesn't end there, however. I recently posted about my guitar project weekend both here and on the Agile forum. I talked about the tone pot not working on the Tele, which may even be my fault since I was tinkering this weekend, and put a Mallory cap in the Tele. Regardless, Phil read my post and sent me an email today offering to send me two CTS 500K pots, free of charge. This was a total surprise to me, and I'm pretty impressed. I'll let him know that it may have been something I did, but if he still wants to send me those CTS pots, I'll take them. That's pretty darn cool.

I also may have a good customer experience to relate about the Gibson company. After I pretty much reamed them for the new Firebird X, I feel a little guilty, but I emailed them about the straplocks on my Epi Tribute LP falling apart after only a couple months of use. From the response, I think they're sending replacements to me. Not a huge deal, but that's nice to know that they really do honor their warranties. If the straplocks are just exactly the same, I may just throw them in a drawer, though. They're not very well designed.

How about other stories? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?