Hey everyone. After checking out the forum for a while I went ahead and joined and stopped in here to say Hi and introduce myself.

My handle is pictoratus but most people use pic since it's shorter and I've been playing 6 string for what will be 1 year next month. I'm not exactly a noob; I played bass in a couple of local bands but that was about 25 years ago. Don't remember a whole lot but it seems to be coming back.

My gear right now is a Peavey Generation EXP Triple Single, a Squier Strat SE, and a Kay short scale bass built around 1970 or so that is in the process of being rebuilt. I play the Peavey more than the Squier. My amp is a Fender Mustang I that I just got a few weeks ago. I'm also teaching myself Home Recording while I'm learning guitar so I'm always on the lookout for tips and tutorials. I've been using Reaper for recording lately. I tried a few other DAWs including Ableton which came with my amp but Reaper seems to suit me well.

Ok, enough jabbering. Looking forward to learning and contributing.