Hello all! I am new to this forum. Glad to be aboard!

I am 53 yrs old and have been playing guitar for about 40 years. I used to have many, many guitars, but have settled on one. A left handed '71 gibson SG standard. If you follow Gibson's history, you'll know that this was a crappy year for gibsons. I guess the necks were breaking at the body joint on a lot of SG's so they removed the neck angle, made it completely straight - like a tele, and to make matters worse, put the control cavity on the front instead of the back. However, the neck is completely awesome on this thing and many years ago I ( gulp ) installed a whammy on it that works extremely well.

Recently I got into building my own guitars and have built a jazz archtop, a Gibson Howard Roberts Fusion replica, and a Gibson Les Paul TV replica. All lefty's like me.

I use an old Musicman RD50 amplifier.

That's it folks!