When I see people playing 7and 8 string guitars and 5 and 6 string basses I think it's about the ability to adapt.
I switch from my Strat to Tele to semi-hollow to LP copy to my Switch Innovo, and they're all different.
After I play each one 5 minutes it doesn't feel too different.
I can play equally well on each one, despite the different string gauges, neck profiles/thicknesses, shapes, fretwire, etc. (well, at least as well as I'm capable of for my skill level).
I've heard guitar players complain about short, fat fingers, also arthritis, being the reason they couldn't play very well. While there may be some truth to that, I see people who've had bad injuries continue to work on their craft and make progress. Two of our friends right here have done so. They adapted.
So yah, while pics might give some kind of insight, I think it's more about adapting to the environment and working hard to improve.