I've been spending more and more time with my Blues Jr. lately - of course the thing barely breaks up unless you crank the pre-amp volume and turn the master down to like 0.25 out of 10! That's good enough for me to hear it clearly but even nudging the master volume just a smidge is loud enough have my neighbors (separate standalone house!) knocking on my door.

I'm considering downsizing to a VOX ACTV4 - max 4 watts, with power attenuator for 0.25W, 1W or 4W. Seems to be a good compromise but I have to admit that I've become pretty fond of the Blues Jr. tone.

I do have a Boss Blues Driver in front of the Fender but it's just not the same as the true tube sound when I crank the pre-amp volume. That's a much lovelier tube crunch.

What do I stand to lose going from the Blues Jr. to the VOX? Is there another way to address my living room rockstar needs w/o bailing on the Blues Jr. ??