Quote Originally Posted by tunghaichuan View Post
I'm reminded of a few quotes:

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. - Thoreau

People spend a third of their lives going places they don't want to go, doing things they don't want to do - Millenium TV series.

We all should be so lucky as to die doing something we love.
I had the Throreau quote in mind as well, but then again, it's not unusual for to be thinking about Thoreau.

Never watched Millenium, but that quote is quite good as well, particularly when you consider most people also spend another third of their lives sleeping.

Quote Originally Posted by tunghaichuan View Post
Death is also inevitable. All living things die. Unfortunately as human beings we are cursed with knowing this.
That's pretty much the "human condition," managing to live our lives without being crippled by the fear/sadness of our impending demise; as Joseph Campbell describes the actions of a bodhisattva, "joyful participation in the sorrows of the temporal world."