Frets on this are fine, honestly I won't mess with them. The nut seems like it was a pretty amateur job - going to be replaced pretty soon. The tone is pretty good in the neck position, and pretty weak in the bridge. I haven't had time to mess with the pup height and whatnot to try to rectify that, and I won't since I'm going to take it out and replace it with the P90 anyhow, but you get the feeling the tone is there if you do some work to drag it out. It's no tone monster, mind you, but it's a nice sounding guitar, pretty playable and I think it will make a nice addition to 'the family.'

Since I see an Agile in your guitar lineup I would say that the overall quality is not quite on par with Agile offerings, but the cosmetics are, and the tone likely is (I'd have to A/B to be sure).