Case you haven't checked out the blog about it, the guitar is now done and I get to review it shortly :-)

plusses: rather light, nice action and neck to my liking ;-) also the Tesla active pickups sound very nice so far - haven't tested with my main gear, though. But it's promising. The neck single that looks like a bucker sounds surprisingly jangly and twangy, I bet it can give rather funky and classic style sounds, while the bridge pup seems very big sounding and somewhat looser than the EMG85's I usually favor. But, must check with main gear first. Seems to hold tune very well and fret access is hard to beat, no heels no nothing right up to the very end of the neck. Like the positioning of the PU switch too.

minuses: the headstock is too narrow, which makes the strings go too close together which looks weird, if doesn't affect anything else. The guitar is just slightly neck heavy, but I have a suspicion that will be corrected by moving the strap button some and/or a different strap. The lacquer finishing is horrid, they oughtta fire the guy responsible for that :-) it's clearly done in a great hurry. All over the guitar there are small marks and blemishes that really cut on the looks factor. Also whoever set the frets in must have been doing his first ever fret set, as they've required a LOT of filing to get them even, and they still need a slight workover and polishing. A big minus is the neck pickup cover getting in the way of the pick all the time when playing; a tilt-neck construction would work infinitely better. The control cavities are too crowded even with just one volume, the cavities are just tiny. Also the super long neck without any heel raises suspicious looks as to how easily can that break. Feels surprisingly solid, though. Just looks weak.