I bough a C30 off Ebay last year. I was looking for a small, tube combo with balls and all signs pointed to the C30. Well, I have since re-tubed the amp with Eurotubes. I had a hard decision to make...did I want early or mid breakup, high headroom, etc? In the end I went with a custom solution that gives me the headroom needed at louder volumes and still can dirty it up quite nicely.

I then started contemplating replacing the stock Blue Marvel speaker. I was looking at Celestion Vintage 30s and G12H models. A friend pointed me towards the Emminence Red Coat but, in the end, I decided I liked the stock tone. I used my Shure Beta 57A and mic'd my amp direct into my 8-track. I wanted to capture a nice, very clean tone and I was using this to gauge feedback.

Anyway, I thought I'd share this little clip in case anyone was looking at obtaining a C30 and wondered just how clean it can sound. This is just purely my JV Strat into the C30...no processing added.

Peavey Classic 30 + JV Strat Test Clip