If you guys are interested we're having Deke Dickerson in our studio this afternoon at 2:30pm PST for a little playing, a little clinic and a lot of crazy guitars...you can either catch it on our site: http://markweinguitarlessons.com/for...highlight=deke or our uStream.tv channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mark-wein-guitar-lessons

If you want to participate you can ask questions and whatnot in the chatroom but you'll need to sign up for free on uStream to get a username.

For more info on Deke: http://www.dekedickerson.com/index.php

Besides producing the soundtrack to The Wild Whites of West Virginia, running his Guitar Geek festivals and being a shredding guitar player Deke also has this excellent collection of armless musicians on his site: http://www.dekedickerson.com/weird-armless.php