Working on putting together another project as the lead singer in our band now has a job that involves shift work. Makes it hard to book as many gigs as we had been playing. Still going to keep The Barley Boys rockin' when we can, but my drummer and I have found a guitar player and female lead singer for a new project. Wow! It's coming together.

So, I'm pulling bass duty with this project, which is really cool. Bass was my first love and I haven't had a chance to play much lately.

To that end, I traded in my little Hartke A35 in for something more gig-able. Picked up the 250W Hartke HyDrive 210. What a great mid-sized combo! Just the right amount of warmth and punchiness and a very usable overdrive section as well. EDIT: Our drummer uses a Roland TD-10 electronic kit, so stage volume is not an issue. 250W should be a great balance between power and portability.

First gig with the new amp (and the new band) coming up Saturday. I'll let you know how I make out

EDIT: Here's a link Hartke 210C