Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
Man, I do so dig that design, it's so classic looking despite being novel, the more I see it the more I dig it. I's cool like an SG but sexy like an LP, and not too big. I'd likely want to put EMGs in, though ;-)

Hopefully you'll find a Finnish importer as well at some point...I know only some local small store owners I've worked for, but I could certainly ask them if they'd be interested in direct-importing a few. What do you reckon would they cost sent over here and with an acceptable profit margin? I'll ask one of them the next time I'm in town if there'd be any interest.
Thanks Dee. I'm glad you like the design.

I'll tell you what, if you can manage to get say, 10 Hell Guitars to a dealer(s) in Finland, I'll give you one for free along with my thanks. Perhaps I'd even do that for 8 but I'd need to check the numbers.

I was initially thinking to sell online exclusively to the world but it is becoming increasingly clear that I will need to have dealers in Europe. There's just too much variance in customs and shipping costs are more, so sending single instruments is less cost effective. Also I need someone to provide after sales service. A rough estimate for Europe pricing would be about EUR 560 to cover extra shipping and customs duties. (Duties and fees in Europe are usually well over 20%! amazing...It's usually 5% here in Japan). That would be ballpark retail with dealers (and me) having some room for profits.

I actually just received a serious enquiry for a Bender from Portugal. Been receiving quite a few general enquiries as well from other EU countries. How would you like to be the Hell point man in Europe Dee? You're a man of persuasion and drive. Did you know the first 100 people at Microsoft are now at least millionaires? (At least this is what I was told by three fledgling software companies I once worked for. Before they went out of business that is...)