Saw Rush here the other night, and I have to say it - arguably the finest concert I've seen in the last 20+ years. If you get the chance, sell whatever you have to (the house, the kids, whatever) to pony up for a ticket.

Ask anyone under 40, they'll say "Who?"
Ask anyone over 40, they'll say "Yeah, that Geddy with the whiney voice....meh."
Ask any musician, they'll say "Know where I can score tickets?"

The FOH console & setup was amazing. Huge line arrays (I mean huge). Phenominal light show. Movies. Oh yeah, and 3+ hours of a band with an enormous catalog, 3 top-notch musicians, wicked sharp sense of humor throughout, flawless performance. Just a superb experience. And yes, they still have massive chops. And Mr. Lee can still hit the high notes