Quote Originally Posted by Ch0jin View Post
Welcome onboard Derek.

I can't listen to the clip @ work, but I've recently dived head first into iOS recording, firstly with Garage Band on my iPhone, and as of the last 2 weeks, with my sexy new iPad 2.

I've been using Garage Band to assemble song ideas (I use a LOT of imported loops/samples though and GB isn't so great at organizing them) and I've tried Amplitube with the iRig adaptor and am not loving it so far, I very much prefer my 'real' guitar sounds and have a Blue Snowball USB mic on its way to me so I can get those into my iPad

I'm curious though, whilst MultiTrack DAW looks amazing and I'll almost certainly grab it tonight, have you had any experience with amplitube and/or Garage band in iOS based music production? I'd be interested in your thoughts.
Garageband for mobile is great...however, the organization of imported loops is lacking a little... I would like to see a folder option implemented. Amplitube, Ampkit, and Garageband all have their good points and their drawbacks...just like any other app. I have tried them all. Have you tried JamUp yet? The Lite version is free on the app store....definitely worth a look. Let me know what you think. I find Nanostudio to be a very useful tool as far as ios based music production goes. I have a project I'm working on now using Garageband mobile for the backing track and try to record JamUp into a track on Garageband....I'm thinking good possibilities because Garageband has unlimited track recording time...unlike other live sampling apps. Glad to talk more when you have the time... derek@positivegrid.com