I was toying with the idea once again of retubing my Jet City. Fortunately, I haven't had the problem that I posted about elsewhere again. Nevertheless, my plan was to put in better quality tubes and keep the originals as known-good backups. It would seem to me to be best to get a kit from Eurotubes. Here is their page for JCA20H kits:


I was just wondering if any of you t00b experts had any advice. I've heard clips of my amph retubed with the standard set. It sounded like the stock amph, only moreso, if that makes sense. Basically it was a little smoother on the top end. I don't think the low-output EL84s would be what I wanted. While I don't need the full power of this amph, I also don't need to reduce its already limited headroom. My initial thought would be to go with the standard kit. The high gain option sounds interesting, although once again I'm guessing that it'd take the headroom with it. Also are the gold pins worth the upcharge?