I've been thinking about a simplified setup that I would use for the basics, all in an attempt to clean up my pedal setup. What I've kind of concluded is that with a volume and tone pot on a guitar, it's probably possible to make most dirt boxes sound pretty decent. Perhaps not optimal, but good enough for what I do. My proposed setup is tuner -> OD -> delay. What I have right now is this:

Proco Turbo Rat
Digitech Bad Monkey
Marshall Jackhammer
Crowther Audio Hotcake
Tech 21 Sansamp GT2

I have found over time that a bit of focus when it comes to tone does me a lot of good, because I can quickly become overwhelmed by options if I have too many potential avenues. So what I'm asking is which pedal you recommend I focus on making sound good. I don't promise I'll stick with that always, but input is welcome. For reference, this will probably be either going into a Tech 21 Trademark 60 or direct to a PA. I'm not yet 100% sure what my DI setup would be if I was going to the PA, but assume this is to be the designated 'channel 2,' if you will.