Pulled the trigger on the Night Train (Yeah tax refund!). I've been looking to lighten up my rig for some time now. I love my Traynor YCV80 but I must be getting old... at over 60lbs it's a bit of a beast. At a recent gig I noticed that I had the master volume comfortably set at THREE, so I'm not really using all the horsepower under the hood anyway.

So far I'm really digging the Night Train. Not only light and quite portable (16ish lbs), it's a ballsy little amp for only 15W. I'm surprised at the amount of clean(ish) headroom I can squeeze out and with all the Vox-y chime. Crank the gain and switch to the "Thick" mode (bypasses the tone stack) and this little beast can roar!! Triode (7.5W) and Pentode (15W) modes.

Nice and bright with single coils, rich harmonic overtones with humbuckers. Plays nice with semi-hollow and hollow bodies and takes pedals very well. Gonna have a lot of fun with this

Matched it up with the 112NT cab with a Celestion "Greenback". Lots more info here