If pedal value was based on quality of construction, you would expect Palmer to be the most costly. Although their pedals are some of the most reasonably priced, particularly for the sound quality, Palmer spared no expense in construction. Adorned with a heavy foot switch and steel knurled knobs, similar to what you would find on some electric guitars, this powder-coated pedal weighs in at a hefty 95 Kg, or just over 2 pounds. The weight may be the bane of some pedal board owners who need to lug gear around, but I say “get into some weight lifting or bodybuilding and stop whining!” I don’t think I’m being too harsh, since many guitar players are known for that skinny, emancipated look with a cigarette hanging from the corner of the mouth. Kidding aside, the box or housing is quality, solid steel, but what impressed me is its design – countersunk in the back to prevent cable compression or crimping and with screw holes for pedalboard mounting!

Although named Solid Metal, the user can achieve surprisingly good classic rock tones by way of both proper EQ settings and showing a little humility on the distortion. With a 5-year warranty, there is a reason why Germany is leading the EU, by way of technology and quality craftsmanship – and Palmer’s Solid Metal is proof of that. At a great price, this is a true metal pedal that offers a plethora of tonal options that remain clean, clear and true for live performance and in the studio.

What grabbed me about this pedal most of all is that it has the ‘sound’ of what metal is supposed to sound like, achievable through a clean amp; however, if you don’t like that cutting Metal sizzle tone, this pedal may not be for you. And although this is one of those ‘must-have’ pedals for both classic and modern metal sounds, be prepared to write down some of your settings since just a tweak here or there can produce significantly different results. Have fun!