Picked this up from our "craigslist". It has a low serial number and the production started in 1958 so my guess is that it's from the late 50's. It plays great. Action is nice and with the new heavy strings I put on (13-56) it works very well for sliding. I tend to think that my fingers are quite strong but with these strings I can't bend more than 3/4 of a step and even that is to push it. The body is really small, which is why I wanted the thicker strings to "boost" the sound a bit. It has a very nice delta bluesy sound. What surprises me is how it responds to picking dynamics, what pick you use, where you pick and how comes across extremely clear.


Hanging next to the Hagstrom Viking to show the size, but it doesn't really come across on the photos how small it is.

Just look at the profile, it's almost like a violin!